Skervesen Guitars

Skervesen Guitars, based near Gdansk, Poland, was started in 2011 by Jarek Konkol. Jarek has a long history of making guitars going back to the 1980s when he began hand-building guitars in his basement. Over several years, he learned, experimented and developed his craft which led to working for Poland’s best guitar manufacturer for about a dozen years in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Around that time, Jarek developed a fascination with CAD/CAM technology and eventually started a successful furniture and interior design company in the late 1990s. After a period of intense concentration and development of this new business, Jarek got back to his groove and a reignited passion for guitar building. He dove straight in and launched Skervesen Guitars. To this day, the company remains small (~10-12 employees) which allows them a relentless focus on the quality, tone and look of every single one-of-a-kind Skervesen instrument.

Sinister Hand Guitars is proud to be an authorized Skervesen Guitars dealer!